Nite Owls Membership
We welcome anyone who would like to join us as members.

Membership dues are $40.00 per year
After July 1st membership is prorated to $20.00
Visitors are $5.00 per meeting
Nite Owls welcomes all Quilters, New to Quilting, Experienced and Non-Quilters a like.
Download our BY-LAWS & POLICIES
to see what we are all about.
You may Download our current Membership Application here.
Membership Requirements:
A commitment to participate in our quilt shows held every other year by selling tickets for the opportunity quilt and, hopefully,to work the show. The sales from our Opportunity Quilt are used to allow our guild to provide wonderful teachers and workshops and to enhance education of our guild members.
Once a year, all members are requested to provide a refreshment item and a quilt-related gift for the raffle table. Your birthday month is suggested, but it may be any month (except December). If you have an extra new quilt related item, please bring to the next meeting. All funds received from the opportunity table are used to provide education to the guild.